Thursday, July 9, 2009

Leaders Without Credentials

The next time you enter the voting booth, consider this idea for a moment. Should your candidate actually possess any of the skills and experience that the job might require? After all, this is a government of the people, by the people and for the people, isn’t it? Aren’t we the the employers? Aren’t these politicians’ government employees who report to us, their employer? When any of us apply for a job, we must normally provide a resume and to be considered for the job we are applying, don’t employers expect us to have proper skills and experience for the job? Why then do voters ignore this requirement for the most important positions we have to offer? Let us explore that notion for a moment.

Let us try to imagine that we have brought into our interviewing room the top business executives in the nation from our largest corporations to help us interview Barrack Obama who is applying for the job of President. The interview might go like this.

Recruiter: Good morning Mr. Obama. Thank you for coming. We appreciate your interest in our government and the position we have open as President. I see you have brought your resume with you. Let’s start by going over it and see how it compares with the responsibilities of our job. It says here you were a Community Organizer. There are millions of employees and thousands of managers and executives that you will be required to manage and direct. How many managers have you previously managed?

Obama: Uh, hmmm, none actually directly managed.

Recruiter: We have millions of soldiers and officers whose lives you are directly responsible for in the field and in battle. What is your military experience, where have you served, and what officer experience do you have?

Obama: Well, actually none really. But I’ve played some computer games.

Recruiter: The safety of our nation depends on our President’s good judgment and expertise in negotiating foreign policy with foreign leaders, including many who would like to see our country destroyed. What actual experience do you have in dealing with these foreign leaders?

Obama: That is an excellent question and certainly one that should be considered carefully. I know I would do an excellent job.

Recruiter: You will be required to manage a budget of hundreds of billions of dollars and billions more in assets. What is your financial management experience?

Obama: I haven’t actually managed a budget, but how hard can it be? Bush did it, and besides I’ll just ask some other guys to do it. I’ve got some friends in Chicago who say they know how to do it.

Recruiter: Mr. Obama, the economy is in dire straits. We need someone who can get business going again and start hiring all the people that are being laid off. What will you do to fix that?

Obama: I truly believe that the fault is with business because they are doing such a poor job. We don’t need them; we just need to get government to spend more so that local governments can put people to work. We should tax business more, tax all those rich folks, and give the money to the poor who have been cast out of their jobs because business took all their profits.

The interview would go on this way, but you get the idea. What is going on in the minds of Americans who cannot see how ridiculous it is to elect people into positions like the President, Governor, or Congressman, who have no skills or experience to make valid judgments in that position? Is it any wonder that they have run up trillions of dollars in debt, want to tax more, want to take over more, and want to run the country into the ground? Is this their fault or ours for hiring them? The problem lies squarely with the employer and that is the American Voter.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Fun and Games with CO2

Recently I saw a TV report about some bureaucrats in Washington who were considering requiring farmers to change the diets of cows to reduce their methane output. That is truly a revolutionary idea and worthy of some kind of bureaucrat of the year award. It caused me to think a little more about his whole gas problem in Washington. I just opened a diet coke and realized that I had just released a bunch of CO2 into the atmosphere that had been in the can under high pressure. After drinking a few sips, I also released some more when it caused me to burp. By the way, excuse me. It was at that moment that I realized that the Obama administration probably needs to institute a gas recovery system for all people who consume carbonated beverages. There are billions of Buds and Corona Lights being popped as we speak all over the world. Merciful heavens, think of the massive impact to global warming. We should be required to wear some kind of mask to recover these gases before they escape into the atmosphere. Every can and bottle of soda, beer, champagne or other carbonated beverage should only be opened inside a gas recovery box before it is consumed. I wonder why this oversight has been allowed to continue so long.

Is there a difference in the quality of CO2 that beverage manufacturers use? Are they filtering their CO2 to allow only the non-polluting variants of the gas into their products? Is the CO2 that comes from the stacks of power plants a dirty contaminated kind of CO2? Why is that gas so much worse than all the other sources of CO2 like the beverage kind? I am sooooo confused. Surely the government knows best and have identified a really nasty type of CO2 and that is why they are picking on the power industry to remove their CO2. I bet you can help me to understand this apparent contradiction. Do you think it is because CO2 comes in different forms or is there some other motive here? Hmmm, I wonder.

Let’s see now, we’re told that man made CO2 is causing the entire planet to heat up, the poles to melt, the seas to rise, and soon New York and all its inhabitants will be under water. While CO2 represents only 3/10ths of one percent of the atmosphere and water vapor, which is also a green house gas, can be as much as 4% of the atmosphere, you’d think the government would at least be a little concerned about water vapor and the other gases in the atmosphere, However, factory generated CO2 seems to be unique in some way and the steam from the stacks apparently poses no problem, therefore no selling of steam credits to other businesses. I wonder whether money has anything to do with this. Now I’ll have to ponder that some more.